Employee Self Service
ESS for Staff
Employee Self Service (ESS) is provided by the Santa Clara County Office of Education. Through this service, SUSD employees will be able to view the following information that the county/district has on file for you:
- Employee number
- Date of hire
- Mailing/home address that district has on file for you
- Pay history
- Sick leave/personal-necessity time available
- Copies of your W2’s from 2010 to present. For W2's prior to 2010, please contact Kristie To in the Business Office.
- The ability to make copies of your paycheck stub(s).
Directions for ESS
- Go to https://ess.sccoe.org
- In the upper right corner, click on District. A drop-down menu will appear. Select Saratoga Union Sd (36) (diagram below).
- In the upper right corner, click on Register. A drop-down menu will appear. Select New Staff User (diagram below).
- Enter your work email address. The county will then send you an email with directions to complete your registration.
On the county’s email to you, you will be asked to complete the Staff Registration Form. They will ask for your employee number along with a user name and password. Your employee number is listed under your name on your paycheck stub. If you don’t have access to it, contact Kristie To and she will give you your employee number.