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Student Safety

Safety Tip Line for Students

See Something? Say Something!

We are here to help you!
Text or leave voice message
(408) 359-7601 or


If you or someone you know is in IMMEDIATE danger, call 911 first!

  • You can email, text, or call to report concerns you have about the safety of others, or your own safety. Your report can be anonymous, meaning you don’t have to tell your name.
  • Or if you would like to talk to someone about your concern and don't feel comfortable writing about it, just provide your contact information and someone from the district will contact you.
  • Whether you are a witness or target, you are helping us maintain a positive and safe school environment for all of our students.
  • If a situation arises and it's not an immediate threat, or is during non-school hours, there may be a delayed response time. For immediate safety concerns, always call 911.

Grades 3-8 students can anonymously report on bullying, planned fights, students in crisis, threats of violence, weapons at school, any other urgent situation.

What is a Good Tip?

  • include location of incident(s)
  • date and approximate time of incident
  • name of the victim (target)
  • name of the bully (aggressor)
  • description of incident(s)

What is a Bad Tip?

  • Any important piece of information missing such that the tip cannot be investigated due to lack of information 

School and district staff are here to help you. Thank you for helping us maintain a positive and safe school environment for everyone!

Bullying Prevention

Saratoga Union School District strives to create safe, healthy and nurturing learning environments for every student. We are committed to providing school communities that are physically and emotionally safe for all students, promote and support academic achievement, citizenship, school attendance and engagement. Staff, students, and parents establish student safety as our top priority and shall not tolerate the bullying of any student.

SUSD staff promote student learning in the areas of social-emotional development by providing students with safe and age appropriate opportunities to resolve conflicts, develop strong decision making skills and enhance empathy. The district recognizes that some conflicts are part of the normal developmental process that children experience and that staff must ensure the safety of children while offering genuine opportunities to build resilience and strong social skills for children.

Bullying, for the purposes of discipline, is defined in California Education Code 48900 (r) as severe or pervasive physical or verbal conduct, including electronic communications, that:

  • reasonably places a student in fear of harm to their person or property
  • has a substantially detrimental effect on their physical or mental health
  • substantially interferes with their academic performance
  • or causes substantial interference with a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by a school

We are committed to a safe and welcoming environment. No student or group of students shall be subject to physical, written, or verbal harassment and intimidation of any kind, including harassment through electronic communication. We are also committed to supporting the underlying needs of any child found to be engaging in bullying as well as working toward resolution and care for any child who is the victim of bullying behavior. Students engaging in bully behaviors are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including suspension and expulsion from school.

We also are mindful that behavior is sometimes labeled as “bullying”, when other descriptions such as social conflict or teasing are more helpful for understanding and resolving the problem. If you have concerns your child may be experiencing bullying or is bullying others, please contact your child’s teacher or school principal.