Fentanyl Awareness
Across the nation – and in our own Santa Clara County – the dangerous drug fentanyl is becoming more and more prevalent. We want our families to be informed, know the warning signs, and partner with us to communicate the dangers of fentanyl to your children.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), overdose deaths among teenagers linked to synthetic opioids like fentanyl tripled in the past two years, yet 73 percent have never heard of fake prescription pills being made with fentanyl.
While we hope the situation does not take place, Redwood Middle School is equipped with naloxone, a medication that reverses an opioid overdose, and administrators and staff are trained to recognize and respond if an overdose occurs on campus.
Fentanyl Definitions, Facts, and Resources
- What is fentanyl?
- What makes fentanyl so dangerous?
- Can fentanyl be absorbed through the skin or by touching an item that has fentanyl on it?
- What does fentanyl look like?
- What is “rainbow fentanyl”?
- Is there anything that can reverse the effects of fentanyl?
- What are signs that someone might be experiencing a fentanyl overdose?
- What should you do if you suspect a fentanyl overdose?
- Opioid and Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Resources
What is fentanyl?
What makes fentanyl so dangerous?
Can fentanyl be absorbed through the skin or by touching an item that has fentanyl on it?
What does fentanyl look like?
What is “rainbow fentanyl”?
Is there anything that can reverse the effects of fentanyl?
What are signs that someone might be experiencing a fentanyl overdose?
What should you do if you suspect a fentanyl overdose?
Opioid and Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Resources
Additional Resources
- Protect yourself from the dangers of fentanyl (CDC video, 01m)
- CDPH Fentanyl Information
- Department of Education, California: Combatting Fentanyl - Actions and Resources
- CDPH Naloxone Information
- California Overdose Surveillance Dashboard
Deaths Related to Any Opioid Overdose in Santa Clara County, 2021
ED Visits Related to Any Opioid Overdose in Santa Clara County, 2021
Hospitalizations Related to Any Opioid Overdose in Santa Clara County, 2021
Prescriptions for Opioids in Santa Clara County, 2021
- CDPH Substance Use Prevention Resources for Families and Schools
- National Health Institute (NIH) Drug Abuse Facts
- Santa Clara County Fentanyl Facts