Health & Wellness
When To Keep Your Child Home From School
Please help us keep our classrooms healthy and give your child the time they need to rest and recuperate!
Your child should stay at home for the following reasons:
- Exhibits any COVID-19 symptoms
- A temperature (fever) of 100 degrees or higher . If your child has an elevated temperature, they should remain home until it is normal (98.6 degrees) for 24 hours without the aid of medication
- Diarrhea
- Nausea or vomiting during the night
- An undiagnosed rash
- Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
- Runny nose with copious discharge or severe congestion
If your child will be absent from school due to illness, please contact your school's Attendance Line by calling your school's main number and selecting the Attendance Line option. The attendance line is available 24 hours so you may leave a message at night if you realize your student is ill and will not be attending school the next morning. Absences due to student illness are considered an excused absence. Questions? Contact Nurse Lee or your school office.
Please do NOT send any medication (including cough drops) inside a student's backpack or lunch pack as this creates a risk to all students sharing medication or skipping doses of medication that they should have been taking. If your child needs to take medication during school hours, please bring the medication and the Request for Medication form to the school office so staff can assist your child. Thank you for working together to keep our schools safe and healthy!
Fight the Flu Resources
Flu Guide for Parents (CDC)
Flu Everyday Preventative Actions (CDC)
Fight the Flu Poster
Information on RSV (CDPH)
Health and Wellness Articles
Santa Clara County Public Health Department
Fight The Flu!
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About District Nurse Cristina Lee
District Nurse Cristina Lee, RN, PHN, MSN, shares her time between Argonaut, Foothill, Redwood, and Saratoga Schools. She also works in the district office checking new student files and preparing information and materials to help contribute to the overall health of SUSD families and staff. To contact Nurse Lee, please call (408) 867-3424, x529 or email her at