Drivers, Pedestrians, Bicyclists
Driver, Pedestrian, and Bicyclist Reminders
Please take that extra minute to drive slowly, not rush, and help keep our students, staff, and community safe. Use utmost caution and care when driving on and around our school campuses.
If you see an unsafe driver, record the license plate and contact the Sheriff’s office at (408) 299-2311. Safety concerns on our public streets should always be reported to the Sheriff.
Parents and other adults can do much to improve traffic safety around schools by driving cautiously, teaching children safe practices, and limiting vehicle trips. In some cases, parents and other drivers may be the cause of safety concerns. Drivers should obey all traffic laws and apply the following practices.
Reminders for DRIVERS:
Learn and obey the traffic patterns at your school and avoid being a disruption.
Put your cell phone away so that you are not distracted.
Carpooling can reduce the number of vehicles at our schools.
Make sure children are careful in opening the vehicle doors and that they exit and enter on the curbside of the vehicle in a designated drop off or pick up area. Shadow Oaks, Fruitvale, Montauk, Lacey, Charters, and Forrest Hills are examples of non-designated areas. Use only the designated areas outlined by your school! This is for our students’ safety and consideration of our neighbors.
Children should never be allowed to cross the street in the middle of the block to enter/exit their vehicle.
Drivers should not double park or block traffic. Waiting or parking in red zones is not allowed.
Do not park within a crosswalk or pass a stopped vehicle which is allowing pedestrians to cross.
Never leave a vehicle unattended in a loading zone.
Do not violate the law or school traffic rules by using the excuse "I will just be here a minute" when picking up or dropping off children. Violations still present a danger and cause congestion during the time of day when it is most important to provide safety for children and avoid congestion.
Pedestrian and bicyclists should obey the same traffic safety practices that normally apply.
Children should be taught to be defensive. A child should not assume a driver sees them.
Cross only at marked crosswalks.
Always look in all directions before entering a street, and never run into a street.
Avoid crossing streets at mid-block, especially when parked vehicles may obstruct vision. Use stop signs, traffic signals, and crossing guards when available.
When crossing a street, do not assume a green light or WALK light means it is safe to cross. Look for traffic.
A child should not follow others or run to others when they call until a safe crossing is available.
When riding a bicycle, ride with the flow of traffic (not against it) as close to the right edge of the street in single file. Children ages 10 and under may ride their bike on the sidewalk.
Bicyclists should always wear a properly fitted bike helmet.
Walk the route to school or other frequently used locations with your child and point out safe practices.
Teach children about traffic laws, and encourage the child to ask questions when they are unsure of what to do.
A note about our adult Crossing Guards:
Adult crossing guards are provided near our schools to assist children in safely crossing streets. It is a violation of the California Vehicle Code (CVC) to disregard the signals or directions of adult crossing guards.
Guards are used primarily to provide maturity and good judgment in assisting children to cross streets near schools. Guards are not provided to direct vehicle traffic movements. Adult crossing guards are professionals trained to focus their concern toward the welfare of the children.
Children should be taught to obey the directions given to them by adult crossing guards. This includes crossing only when directed, not running or riding bicycles at crossings, and being alert for traffic.
Always teach children actively:
Teach children about traffic laws, and encourage them to ask questions when they are unsure of what to do.
Discuss safety with children frequently.
Review the Traffic Guidelines provided by our School Resource Officer last fall. Recommended websites include (walking safety, biking safety). Visit for safety videos as well.
We appreciate your care and concern for the safety of our students, staff, and community.
Please contact the District Office at (408) 867-3424, extension 0.
If you see suspicious activity around our schools or roadways, contact the West Valley Sheriff Dispatch at (408) 299-2311 immediately.