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Emergency and Safety Procedures

If you see suspicious activity around our schools or roadways, or to report an unsafe driver,
contact the West Valley Sheriff Dispatch at (408) 299-2311 immediately.
When possible, record any identifying information such as license plate and vehicle description.

School Safety Plan and Parent Emergency Information

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.


The safety and welfare of our students and their families are of major concern to the Saratoga Union School District Board of Education and to all District personnel. We request that all parents and community members assist in providing a safe learning environment by following district and school rules and procedures, obeying traffic rules, and staying informed via our communication channels.

  • All visitors on school campuses must report to the office and sign in and sign out.
  • Students are released only to authorized persons. It is against the law for unauthorized persons or unwanted visitors to be on campus. Law enforcement will be contacted when needed.
  • Parents receive safety information through school newsletters and eNews messages.
  • Students and staff practice safety drills regularly: earthquake drill, fire drill, lockdown drill , and shelter in place drill.
  • Children learn about digital safety and good online citizenship practices when age-appropriate. View the SUSD Cybersafety webpage.
  • SUSD follows California State Education Laws and enforces zero tolerance with regards to weapons, drugs and alcohol, explosive devices, destruction of property, threats, extortion and robbery.
  • SUSD maintains close contact with the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office West Valley Patrol Division, the Saratoga Fire Department and the City of Saratoga, and with all agencies working together to maintain safety.
  • SUSD strives to provide a school climate that is free from bullying, harassment or discrimination in any form. Policies and procedures concerning harassment of students are distributed to parents, and student guides are reviewed with students.

Safety Documents

Emergency Disaster Plan

Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Planning Guide

Student Emergency Release Procedures

In An Emergency

Please inform yourself of our procedure for the Emergency Closing of Schools.

Every effort will be made to keep schools open. The following criteria will be used in determining if a site should be closed:

  1. There is a safety issue (i.e., no alarm system, power lines down, flooding).
  2. The school is not operational; conditions exist which are not conducive to learning (i.e., lack of heat, lights or water). If possible school will be held for at least a minimum day schedule.
  3. Staff and/or students cannot get to school sites.
  4. The school is needed for an emergency center by the City of Saratoga or Red Cross.

We will always make the best decision possible with the information available. As soon as we know there is a problem, we begin an analysis of the situation with the District Maintenance Director, Principals, School Board, other local school districts, City and County emergency groups, PG&E, or appropriate service vendors to determine severity of problems, advisories, estimated time of repair or changing conditions. This analysis begins as early as possible, sometimes during the night. We target our decisions for 6:45 - 7:15 a.m. using the best data available at that time. Our decision is based on the safety of students. After we decide to hold school half-day or close school, we alert you through the emergency messenger system (email, voice, text), radio, and/or signs at the schools.

Parents/Guardians: please ensure that your most up-to-date contact information is listed in your child's record via your annual student information update or when you registered. If your contact information changes during the school year, contact your school office right away.

  Our automated messenger system will contact you via email, phone and text in event of an emergency. To verify your email, phone and SMS numbers, or to make changes, contact your school office. If you are able to receive text messages, be sure your school site has your textable number .     We also recommend you sign up to receive alerts from Santa Clara county. You may subscribe on the county's SCC Alert website.    The City of Saratoga has a radio station that broadcasts on 1610 AM and is intended to provide information to motorists and residents. The radio station can be heard throughout the community and broadcasts information related to road closures, public service announcements, community events and emergency information. All information has been pre-recorded. You may also listen for current information on:

  • KGO RADIO 810 A

Each school and classroom also has a phone tree for non-emergencies or issues pertaining to just a few classes.

FEMA Food and Water in an Emergency

FEMA picture of canned food and bottled water