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Policies Guidelines

Technology & Acceptable Use Policies

Student Responsible Use of Technology Policy Flier


Student Responsible Use of Technology Policy

Web Publishing Guidelines


Students photos are allowed providing a photo release form is on file


No student names on photos to identify student

First names only on student work 

Video, Audio Podcasts

No student names to be audible or visible in credits   

Blog and Wiki Pages

Blog/Wiki comments to be moderated by classroom teacher; 

First names only to be used for comments;

 Can be viewed by public 

Web 2.0 Social Media Guidelines


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These Guidelines have been established for students of our district who use social media tools including weblogs, podcasts or wikis for online communication and collaboration as part of their learning activities. These guidelines are to be used in conjunction with the Saratoga Union Acceptable Use Policy. Any inappropriate use could lead to the loss of these privileges.

What is a blog?

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A weblog or blog is similar to a web page consisting of many updated posts. New posts are added to blogs regularly and are stored as archives or history of posts. Blogs are used to post opinions, views and comments about anything. This may range from hobbies, interests, or your opinion on current news topics.

What is a podcast?

Podcasting describes audio or video that can be played on an iPod, but any program onto which you can download audio works the same. Podcasting is similar to a radio broadcast but the files are available for downloading from a website.

What is a wiki?

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A wiki is similar to a webpage, but allows people to add and edit content collaboratively. Wikis can be password protected for privacy purposes.

Learn more about how to help your child use social networking sites safely and appropriately by visiting the Federal Trade Commission Guide for Parents.