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Parent Resources

SELPA Information for Parents

Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) information flyer

SELPA Parents and Community Links

Look here for more resources and links provided by the Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA), including information about Inclusion and Parent Training Videos.

North West SELPA Community Advisory Committee

The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is a group of parents and educators interested in helping children who have special educational needs. The CAC meets during the school year to work with school district staff and administration to promote children's needs and provide parent education.​

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

No-cost ADR services are available to assist school districts and parents in proactively resolving special education disagreements and disputes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

High Quality IEPs Project

The HQ IEPs Project aims to increase the knowledge and participation of families as members of the IEP team. As a family member, your input and contribution is valuable to the IEP process. 

Parents Helping Parents (PHP)

The mission of Parents Helping Parents is to help caregivers of individuals with a disability, and of any age, receive the support and services they need to reach their full potential by providing information, training, and resources to build strong families and improve systems of care.