Special Education
If you suspect your child may have a disability, send a letter, with an original signature, to: Director of Special Education, 20460 Forrest Hills Dr., Saratoga, CA 95070, or contact your school site principal.
Students with suspected disabilities are offered assessment by district staff at no cost to the parent/guardian. If the student meets state eligibility criteria, an IEP (Individual Education Plan) is developed to provide special instruction and related services if needed. A resource specialist teacher and a speech/language pathologist are available at each school to provide services on-site during the school day. Services are provided in the least restrictive environment, in the general education classroom, if possible. Students with more specialized needs may be served at another public school in the area.
Inquiries about services for school-aged children should first be directed to the Principal at the school of attendance. For parents/guardians of preschool-age students, please contact the district Special Education Department directly at (408) 867-3424, extension 510.
Contact Us
Erin Granger
Director of Special Education
(408) 867-3424, ext. 512
Heather Lindeman
Special Education Secretary
(408) 867-3424, ext. 510
Lisa MacFarland
Inclusion Program Specialist
(408) 867-3424, ext. 521