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Writing is thinking. To write well is to think clearly.
― David McCullough

In Saratoga Union School District, students receive direct instruction in writing skills and strategies and the opportunity to practice them. To grow as writers, students need to write often. Starting in Kindergarten, time is allocated for lessons, small group instruction, and sharing out. Students learn about the writing process: planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing.

Across the grade levels, student write narrative (fiction and non fiction), informative, and opinion pieces. Writing may be based on shared research or personal experiences. In grades 3 and up students write about literary and informational texts, citing evidence to support analysis and reflection. Students in upper grades do close reading (analyzing, highlighting, and annotating fiction and nonfiction), literary analysis exercises, and finding and using textual evidence to support a point of view.

All grade level students write routinely over long and short periods for a variety of purposes, audiences and tasks, as is age appropriate. Over time, students add depth and complexity to their ideas as well as expand on vocabulary. Our teachers are mindful that students progress at different rates and need writing instruction based on their strengths.

Students use age-appropriate tools including digital tools. 

SUSD Elementary Writing Program Resources

Parent Workshop Presentations:

Learning Progressions:

These documents show the development of writing across the grade levels for the three different genres: narrative, opinion, and information.

Other Resources: