RMS task force update april 19,2017
2016-17 Redwood Middle School Task Force Update
April 19, 2017
The 2016-17 Redwood Task Force (RTF) is in its final research and development phase to generate ideas for building upon excellence at Redwood and increasing focus on, and support for student and community wellness.
Members of the community interested in learning more about the Task Force and its recommendations, or those who wish to share comments, are welcome and invited to:
1. Attend SUSD Board Presentation of Emerging Ideas April 20 -- Initial emerging ideas will be presented to the SUSD Board on tomorrow evening, April 20. Interested members of the community are always welcome to attend. The meeting will begin at 7:00 pm in the District Office large conference room. The Board agenda and meeting timing is posted online.
2. Participate in Online Survey April 21-28 -- A summary of the Board presentation regarding the emerging ideas will be circulated District-wide on Friday, April 21 with a link to an online survey that will be open from April 21-28 to collect community feedback on the Task Force’s emerging ideas.
3. Join a Community Forum on April 24 or 26 -- For those interested in learning more about the Task Force and its work this year, or for those who would like to participate in an in-person community forum to discuss the emerging ideas, please join us for:
Redwood Task Force Information Night and Preview of Emerging Ideas
RSVP to: RMSTaskForce@saratogausd.org
● Evening Forum: Mon., April 24 from 6:00-8:00 pm - Redwood Library
● Morning Forum: Wed., April 26 from 8:30-10:30 am - Redwood Library
Based on community input collected during April, a revised and final set of recommendations will be presented to the Saratoga Board of Trustees on May 11, for its consideration.
For more information and an update on the history of the 2016-17 Redwood Task Force, please visit: http://www.saratogausd.org/Page/1927.
Members of the community are welcome to email the Task Force at any time with ideas to consider: RMSTaskForce@saratogausd.org.