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RMS task force phase 2- parent and community survey, october 2016

RMS Task Force - Parent and Community Survey, October 2016

On October 7, Superintendent Nancy Johnson and Redwood Principal Barbara Neil sent a survey link to SUSD families. The survey provided a typed version of the questions and exercises discussed during the Redwood Middle School Task Force kick-off meetings with parents and community on September 27 and 29.   

For those who attended one of the kick-off meetings, the survey provided an opportunity to answer and provide feedback for the second question (Celebrating Success), which was omitted from the in-person discussion due to time constraints.   

For those who wereunable to attend a session, the survey provided the opportunity to share thoughts regarding areas of interest to you and your family, as well as helping Redwood to identify areas of potential interest to study and research over the next year.  

As a reminder, we are still at the very early stages (October) of our year-long project to look at and consider opportunities to build upon the strengths of Redwood Middle School and think about ways in which we can continue to improve our student programs.   

The questions at this stage are intentionally broad and have been designed only to identify themes and opportunities for research and exploration in the months ahead. We will have continued opportunities throughout the year to update you on the progress of this project and gather additional input from the community.  

Thank you for taking time to participate in this important process of thinking about how we can continue to extend the excellence in our District.