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RMS task force phase 1- kick off july- september,2016

RMS Task Force - Kick Off


Consistent with our District’s mission and vision and to ensure ongoing excellence at Redwood Middle School, the school in collaboration with its community, is launching a year-long project to celebrate areas of excellence and brainstorm opportunities to improve and enhance Redwood’s educational offerings.

The project will include a process of inquiry, research, feedback and recommendations to the Board of Trustees from teachers, students, parents, administrators and interested community members, culminating in an opportunity for the Board to consider changes and refinements to the RMS program for future years. 

First Steps 

  • Board Workshop (July) — To launch this project, RMS Principal Barbara Neal,  Superintendent Nancy Johnson and a project facilitator presented a proposal to the SUSD School Board in July 2016, outlining a four-phase project during the 2016-17 school year. At this meeting, Board members had the opportunity to brainstorm ways in which Redwood might improve transformational learning for its students and continue to increase student wellness. These discussions resulted in the identification of numerous themes of potential interest for Redwood to consider as the Task Force begins.  
  • Teacher Meeting (August) — Following the Board brainstorm, Redwood teachers and staff gathered in mid-August to reflect on numerous areas of pride and accomplishment at Redwood. The teachers and staff worked together in small groups to identify programs that should be celebrated for their excellence and areas in need of improvement over the next 3-5 years.

 Initial Areas of Interest for Consideration 

  • Based on these two brainstorming sessions, a number of broad categories of interest emerged for consideration, refinement and further study.  Examples of themes emerging to-date include: student wellness and support, interpersonal connections, core academic offerings, STEAM, electives, differentiation and school climate / culture. It should be noted that these are only draft ideas generated during initial brainstorming. Ideas for actual study will be further refined and prioritized by the Board based on input from all stakeholder groups.

  Next Steps and Action Items 

  • Student brainstorming sessions – Sept. 19th-23rd
  • Parent and Community Kick-Off — To provide parents and community members with the opportunity to learn more about this project and participate in a brainstorm activity that will further help to refine and identify areas of focus, Redwood Middle School invites all interested members of the community to attend an information session and community discussion on either: 

Morning Session – Sept. 27th – 8:30-10:00 a.m. at Redwood Middle School

Evening Session – Sept. 29th – 6:00-7:30 p.m. at Redwood Middle School 

To allow us to appropriately plan seating, please RSVP attendance to: