Professional Development
Professional Development for Staff
Professional Development Days
The school district sponsors three days of professional staff development during the course of the school year. The professional development days take place at the various school sites, where site leaders and staff members analyze student data, make curricular adjustments based upon student need, and learn and incorporate new and innovative strategies to support student achievement.
Collaboration Periods
Teachers also work with one another in grade level teams during collaboration periods during the school week. This collaborative work is very instrumental in maintaining consistency of curriculum design and sharing best practices with one another. Elementary and middle school teachers also collaborate together to ensure a seamless transition for students between elementary school and Redwood Middle School. Staff members from both SUSD and the Los Gatos Saratoga Union High School consult together as well.
Ongoing Professional Development
Ongoing professional development is a very high priority for all teachers, administrators, and classified (support) staff. Teachers and administrators participate in three mandatory staff development days each year and are encouraged to take advantage of training opportunities in our district and on their own. Classified staff receive ongoing training specific to their job duties.