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Transitional Kindergarten (TK)

Transitional Kindergarten (TK) is defined as "the first year of a two-year kindergarten program that uses a modified kindergarten curriculum that is age and developmentally appropriate." (Education Code, Section 48000(d)).

The Kindergarten Readiness Act of 2010, (Senate Bill 1381) changed California's entry-age for kindergarten to five years of age, and for first grade to six years of age by September 2nd. To allow local districts time to prepare for implementation, the new age requirement was phased-in over three years beginning in the 2012-13 school year. This bill created a transitional kindergarten to build a bridge between early learning and kindergarten. The SUSD Board of Trustees approved the creation of a Transitional Kindergarten (TK) class beginning during the 2012-2013 school year at the May 8, 2012 school board meeting.

Under new legislation, starting in 2022-23, the birth date cut-off for TK enrollment will be pushed back two months each year for four years. The net result is that as of September 1, 2025, all 4-year-olds will be eligible to enroll in a transitional kindergarten program.

For the 2023-2024 school year, TK enrollment is for students turning 5 years old between September 2, 2023 and April 2, 2024 (born on or after September 2, 2018 through April 2, 2019).

For the 2024-2025 school year, TK enrollment is for students turning 5 years old between September 2, 2024 and June 2, 2025 (born on or after September 2, 2019 through June 2, 2020).In subsequent school years, the TK age eligibility range will be adjusted as stipulated by California Education Code.


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The benefits of a Transitional Kindergarten (TK) program: 

  • allows for the gift of time for children who would benefit from a two-year program
  • improves social-emotional, physical, language, and cognitive development
  • builds self-esteem and identity as a successful student
  • increases test scores
  • reduces grade retention and special education placement
  • offers a valuable opportunity to integrate the early learning and elementary systems
  • provides a credentialed teacher for the program 

The state of California is allowing individual school districts to create TK programs with standards and curricula that meet the unique needs of their student populations.  Visit the Student Report Card page to view the Report Card (Student Progress Update) for Transitional Kindergarten.

Age Eligibility for TK and School Sites

Transitional Kindergarten Age Eligibility:

Children who will turn five years old on or between September 2 - April 2 during the fall of the academic school year may register for Transitional Kindergarten for that school year. 

Families with a "young 5 student" who turns five years old prior to September 2 may enroll in TK if space permits. Students with birthdays that meet the TK eligibility guidelines will be offered the TK option first and then, space permitting, we will open it up to families who believe that this program would be best for their "young 5" student with a late summer birthday.

Children who turn five years old after April 2 of that academic school year are not eligible for TK. They should enroll in Kindergarten for the following year.

If your child's birthday meets the TK age guidelines AND you are a district resident, you are eligible to enroll in the two-year TK/Kindergarten program.

Immunization Requirements for TK

According to California immunization law, students in the TK program are subject to the same immunization requirements as kindergarten. Since TK is considered the first year of a two-year kindergarten program, the TB requirement to enter the TK program will be subject to the same requirement as kindergarten. 

Please refer to the SUSD Required Immunization Information Webpage for more information.

Additional Resources

California Universal PreKindergarten Information

Transitional Kindergarten Report Card

Transitional Kindergarten FAQs by the CA Department of Education