Welcome to the Saratoga Union School District Kindergarten Program!
To determine if your child is age eligible for Kindergarten in SUSD, or how to enroll,
please visit the registration and enrollment page.
Kindergarten Schedule
During the first 2 weeks of the school year, all Kinders and TKers attend school from 8:30 a.m to 12:10 p.m. every day.
After Labor Day, Kinders/TKers will begin the Extended Day schedule where they attend school from 8:30 a.m. until 2:10 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. On Wednesday SLCT Days (Staff Learning and Collaboration Days) the Kindergartners are dismissed at 12:10.
Kinders/TKers may purchase hot lunch or bring their own lunch on extended days or Wednesdays if he/she is attending Tree House (afterschool care). Students eat lunch in the cafeteria along with the upper-grade students, but at their own Kindergarten table. Lunch recess is at their own dedicated Kindergarten playground.
To determine if your child is eligible to enroll in Kindergarten, new student FAQs, and to download the current school year TK/Kindergarten checklist, visit the New Student Enrollment page.
How to Enroll in Kindergarten
Enrollment for Kindergarten takes place at the District Office. If you are starting in mid year or wish to enroll for the next year, please visit the Enrollment pages.
On the Enrollment pages, you will learn:
- Is my child old enough to attend Kindergarten or Transitional Kindergarten
- Is my residence in Saratoga Union School District?
- How are elementary school assigned?
- When can I attend a Kindergarten classroom tour
- Checklist for new Kindergarten families
- Other enrollment information
Kindergarten Resources
First 5 California - How to Prepare My Child for
The Basic Building Blocks of Kindergarten Readiness
80 Skills That Help To Ease Kids Transition Into Kindergarten
Kindergarten Report Cards
Parent teacher conferences are held twice per year for Kindergartners, once in the fall and once in spring. Visit the Report Cards webpage to view a sample TK or Kindergarten report card and curriculum.
Please contact the SUSD Registration Office (408) 867-3424, extension 0 or email
To determine if your child is age eligible for Kindergarten, district residency, or enrollment dates, please visit the Enrollment page.