Monitoring and Exit Process
EL Monitoring and Exit Procedures
Monitoring Process:
In all grade levels, the classroom teacher(s) will work with the ELD team to assess English Learners on both academic content and ELD standards progress. Assessment information on both sets of standards will be shared with parents via report cards and/or conferences.
Students who fail to make significant progress toward grade level mastery of both academic content and ELD standards may be brought to a student study team for intervention.
Exit Procedures:
English Learners will be assessed annually on the Summative ELPAC exam for English proficiency. Students who are determined to be fluent based on the exam will be considered for exit from EL services based on established reclassification criteria.
Classroom teachers, guidance counselors, and administrators will monitor the ongoing progress of exited English Learners for four years to ensure continued progress.
Parents may choose to opt their students out of receiving pull-out ELD services.