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English Learners

English Language Program and Services


The district's English Learner instruction focuses on two main goals: 1) EL students acquire full proficiency in English as rapidly and effectively as possible and 2) EL students reach the same academic proficiency standards that are expected of all students. Instruction for English Learners takes place in the regular classroom with a focus on aligning the existing English Language Arts (ELA) program and the appropriate English Language Development (ELD) standards for each student according to the student's language abilities.

All district classroom teachers have attained an English Language Learner (ELL) authorization or a CLAD (Cross-Cultural Language and Academic Development) credential. In addition, two ELD teachers and ELD instructional aides support students in grades K-5, and an ELD teacher supports students in grades 6-8.

Parent Involvement, District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)

Parents and interested community members are invited to attend our District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) meetings! Held 4-5 times per school year, the committee is headed by the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services. Committee members include parent representatives, teachers, and administrative staff. Learn more about the DELAC committee and upcoming meetings at

Grades Kindergarten Through 5th

In grades K-5, classroom instruction is overwhelmingly in English. All SUSD K-5 classroom teachers provide Integrated English Language Development (ELD) instruction throughout the school day to ensure students continue to strengthen their English language skills as they learn core academic content.  

English Learners also receive Designated ELD Instruction to develop the specific English language skills they need to learn content in English.  This instruction is provided by a classroom teacher and/or ELD teacher, in classrooms and/or small group settings, supported as necessary by ELD classroom aides. 

Classroom teachers work with the ELD teachers to appropriately assess English Learners on both academic content and ELD standards progress. Assessment information is shared with parents via progress updates and conferences. 

Grades 6 - 8 

At Redwood Middle School, classroom instruction is overwhelmingly in English. Primary language support is used for clarification and explanation when feasible. Each EL student has the option to participate in one class period of Designated ELD instruction. All other academic courses are taught by a CLAD or EL authorized teachers and include Integrated ELD instruction. 

Classroom teachers work with the ELD teacher to appropriately assess English Learners on both academic content and ELD standards progress. Assessment information is shared with parents via report cards and conferences. 

Transition Between Grades Elementary, Middle and High Schools 

Transitional meetings occur between elementary and middle school staff, and between middle school and high school staff, to plan for English Learners.

2024-2025 DELAC Meetings

Tuesday, October 15
3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Foothill Elementary School Library

Presentation Slides (English)

Presentation Slides (中文)

Tuesday, January 21
3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Saratoga Elementary School Library

Presentation Slides (English)

Presentation Slides (中文)

Tuesday, March 18
3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Redwood Middle School Library