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Comprehensive Sexuality Education Working Group (2016-2018)

Comprehensive Sexuality Education Working Group (CSEWG)

Saratoga Union School District's (SUSD) Comprehensive Sexuality Education Working Group (CSEWG) was convened in 2016 and was comprised of district administrators, school administrators, teachers, parents and experts in the field of sexuality education.  The CSEWG embarked on a multi-year research process to closely study new California laws that went into effect January 1, 2016, relating to sexuality education (AB 329 California Healthy Youth Act) as well as curriculum options that complied with these laws.  

The CSEWG hosted numerous parent workshops and provided many presentations at school board meetings, School Site Council meetings, PTA meetings and other events at all of the school sites in order to keep our community informed along the way.   

The CSEWG selected three (3) curriculum options for in-depth review based on the following criteria:
1. Must have passed compliance review through ASHWG (Adolescent Sexual Health Working Group,
2. Must have local training opportunities and access to on-going teacher support
3. Must provide parent education opportunities  

The CSEWG participated in curriculum evaluation training (i.e. how to effectively review curriculum) and conducted an extensive review of the following three (3) curricula:
1. Health Connected (Puberty Talk, Teen Talk & Teen Talk AAA-Adapted for All Abilities - additional info at
2. Positive Prevention Plus (Upper Elementary, Middle Schook, Special Populations)
3. Rights, Respect, Responsibility (3Rs) from Advocates for Youth  

On February 8, 2018, SUSD parents were invited to participate in a Parent Focus Group meeting for an overview of the curriculum options and implementation plans and to provide their feedback to the CSEWG.  

On February 28, 2018, CSEWG provided a report on Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) options to the SUSD school board.   In early March 2018, the CSEWG recommended that SUSD pilot the Positive Prevention Plus (PPP) curriculum for 5th grade and 8th grade students in spring 2018.   

In March and April 2018, SUSD parents were invited to attend Positive Prevention Plus (PPP) curriculum review sessions led by experienced trainers at all of the school sites.  These review sessions offered a guided overview of all lessons, opportunity to review student and teacher materials, ideas and tips for how to effectively support and talk with children about the nightly homework assignments, parent resources and more.  These sessions were held:

  • Upper Elementary Curriculum (5th Grade): 6 sessions - 2 sessions @ each elementary school (March 27, April 2 & April 3)
  • Middle School Curriculum (8th Grade): 3 sessions @ Redwood (March 21 & March 27)

On March 28 & March 29, 2018, SUSD 5th grade and 8th grade parents were sent a letter with details about Positive Prevention Plus (PPP) pilot, including teaching dates, curriculum review opportunities, opt-out instructions, opt-out deadline, etc.

In April - May, 2018, 5th grade and 8th grade students received Positive Prevention Plus (PPP) instruction.

In May - June, 2018, 5th grade and 8th grade students, parents and teachers evaluated the Positive Prevention Plus (PPP) pilot.

In September - October 2018, the CSEWG analyzed the feedback from the Positive Prevention Plus (PPP) pilot and provided a report to the SUSD school board.

In October 2018, the SUSD school board adopted the Positive Prevention Plus (PPP) curriculum to be taught to 5th grade and 8th grade students each school year. 

For more information about the California Healthy Youth Act, links to past presentations and helpful resources, please visit our district website at

For more information about Positive Prevention Plus (PPP), including sample lesson plans, parent resources and more, please visit