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Parcel Tax

About the Parcel Tax

The students and staff of the school district are profoundly grateful for the support from our community! 

On May 7, 2019, voters approved Measure A Parcel Tax assessment of $68 per parcel per year for 8 years with over 72% of the vote! The tax is assessed against each parcel of taxable land in the school district. A parcel is defined as any parcel of land which lies wholly or partially within the boundaries of Saratoga Union School District, and receives a separate tax bill for property taxes from the Santa Clara County Assessor/Tax Collector's Office.

No proceeds are used for administrative salaries and benefits. Optional exemption forms are available for senior citizens and recipients of SSI for a disability. 
Questions? Please contact Ny Van at (408) 867-3424, extension 508.

Measure A Parcel Tax Oversight Committee Applications

The Saratoga Union School District is currently seeking applicants to serve on the Measure A Parcel Tax Oversight Committee for the 2024-2025 school year. Terms are two years and would extend into the next school year 2025-2026. Committee members meet approximately 2-3 times per year.

One of SUSD’s commitments is to maintain accountability and transparency with all expenditures of Measure A dollars. A key component of that commitment is maintaining an independent Oversight Committee that is to annually review the District’s compliance with the terms of Measure A. The committee is designed to include parents/guardians as well as Saratoga community members.

If you wish to apply, please complete this online application form by NOVEMBER 1, 2024. If you prefer a paper application, please email Grace Jens, or call the District Office at (408) 867-3424, ext. 0.