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Board Office Hours

The Governing Board of the Saratoga Union School District recognizes the value to promote accessibility to the community. We believe that implementing regular, open-door meetings with community members will result in addressing our goal of building on our community of trust.

No appointment is necessary to visit board members during their posted office hours.

Office Hours Schedule

Schedule and board member attendees subject to change 

Date  Time  Location  Board Members Scheduled to be Present 
September 26, 2023
8:45-9:45 District Office
20460 Forrest Hills Drive, Saratoga
Cynthia Miller, Board Clerk
Vidya R. Vineet, Board Member
November 8
8:45-9:45 Argonaut Elementary Cynthia Miller, Board Clerk
Vidya R. Vineet, Board Member
February 13, 2024
8:45-9:45 Redwood Middle School

Cynthia Miller, Board Member
Vidya R. Vineet, Board Member

Board Requirements and Guidelines

To ensure compliance with the Brown Act, Board members will not communicate the content of these meetings to other Board members, but will report out to the Board as a whole during a duly agendized Board meeting

Please remember that the Board can only take action through a majority vote of its members. Therefore, statements made by individual Board members represent the view of that Board member, and not the Board as whole. Likewise, statements or information provided to individual Board members are also only made to the individual Board member, and not to the Board as a whole.

Because of Brown Act restrictions, no decisions can or will be made during community member meetings. Decisions will only be made during a duly agendized Board meeting.

Since the Brown Act only allows the Board (or any subset of a quorum or greater) to meet in a duly agendized meeting, the best time to address the Board as a whole is at a public Board meeting, or in writing addressed to the board as a whole,

Please remember that no one can guarantee that conversations with elected public officials will be confidential. Please do not request confidentiality as to any statements you make or information you provide during these meetings.

Please be courteous and respectful. While we might not agree on every issue, we share the common goal of providing the best education possible to our children. 

To contact the board via email, the email address is

To view the Board Meeting schedule, visit GAMUT's Board Meeting Online