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District Boundaries

Residences located in the City of Saratoga feed into 4 different TK-8 elementary school districts: Campbell, Cupertino, Moreland and Saratoga Union School District. Use the School District Finder below to verify your school district of residence. If your residence is located within Saratoga Union School District, school assignment information is posted on the bottom of this page.

What Is My School District?

Use the County Tax Assessor site to determine your school district of residence


  1. Go to Santa Clara County Tax Assessor Property Search 
  2. Enter the residence street address
  3. Click on the School District/Tax Rate Area tab
  4. If Elem. School: Saratoga Union is displayed, the property falls in the Saratoga Union School District.

If the address does not come up, check the spelling or street number. Or search using the property APN number. Or you may contact the Santa Clara Tax Assessor's Office at (408) 299-5500. 

For high school (grades 9-12), visit the Los Gatos Saratoga Union High School District website.

If you have questions about property boundary lines, please contact the Santa Clara County Committee on District Boundaries at (408) 453-6869.

There is no SUSD boundary map published for distribution. District assignments are based on the data via the Santa Clara County Assessor's office.

What Is My Elementary School?

Enrollment in Saratoga Union School District is open for residents who reside permanently in a habitable residence that falls within school district boundaries.
SUSD is an open enrollment district which means no property addresses have been assigned to a specific school (Board Policy 5116.1: Education Code 35160.5). Parents may therefore request the TK-5 school within the district they wish their student to attend provided the student resides within the boundaries of our district and space permits.

During the registration process, newly enrolling TK-5 families will be asked for their first and second choice of elementary school sites: Argonaut, Foothill or Saratoga Elementary Schools. Placement at an elementary school site is based on space availability. Proximity to school is not a criteria in placement.

SUSD does not "overflow" students to other districts. As long as your child is a district resident, he/she is guaranteed a place at one of our three elementary schools, however placement at a particular site is based on space availability for the grade level requested.

During the online portion of the registration process, new TK-5 families will be asked for a first and second choice of elementary school site. District residents are guaranteed placement in one of the district schools, not necessarily their first or even second choice school. The district makes every effort to keep TK-5 siblings at the same site and to give families their first choice of school. Due to the number of classrooms, class-size limitations, and the need to balance class sizes at our schools, this is not always possible.

If a student does not receive placement at his/her first choice school, the student will be placed on a waiting list for the first 2 weeks of school. If the student does not move off the waitlist, he/she will finish the school year at the assigned school. In spring, all currently enrolled families have the opportunity to request a school transfer for the following school year. 

During the Regular Registration Period in early spring, all elementary school requests are treated equally. In other words, school placement is NOT determined by the registration completion date as long as the registration is completed AND successfully submitted online by the due date. Occasionally, a "lottery" is required when registration requests for a particular grade level at a TK-5 school site exceed the space available. The lottery will be scheduled sometime during the summer if necessary.

During the Conditional Registration Period (mid/late spring and onwards, for families just moving into the district who do not have all of the proofs of residency documents yet), new TK-5 students will be placed at schools first come, first served, based on space availability at the time the registration is successfully completed online. All student documents need to be complete but partial proofs of residency are acceptable. Any outstanding documents must be brought in within 60 days. 

Visit the Required Documents page and Conditional Registration page for more information. 

School Assignment For Grades 6-8

Grades 6-8 students who reside within Saratoga Union School District boundaries attend Redwood Middle School. SUSD has only one middle school. SUSD does not "overflow" students to other districts.

School Assignment For Grades 9-12

For high school (grades 9-12), visit the Los Gatos Saratoga Union School District website.